Events 2024
Executive Board Meeting
February 17, Saturday, 1000 - 1230 hours
Ferncroft Towers, 40 Village Road, Middleton, MA 01949
Topics for the meeting included proposed 2024 budget, update on
chapter finances, review of last year's calendar, and setting
the calendar for 2024. The meeting will be open to the entire
membership. Coffee and doughnuts will be served during the
meeting. It will also be possible to attend the meeting
virtually via Zoom.
Museum Tour.
Saturday, April 13, 2024. 10:45 am - 12:45 pm.
JFK Museum in Quincy, Massachusetts. There is a new World War
II exhibit, it will be a self-guided tour. Lunch after the tour. The tour
is free to members. Lunch will be at the
Chantey Pub & Grill located at Marine Bay (about two miles
from the museum). Lunch and drinks are free to Chapter 54
members and one guest. There is plenty of parking at both
Denny Drewry Memorial Golf Tournament
June 17, 2024
Highlands Golf & Country Club, Grafton, MA 01519
Golf Tournament
Cape Cod Striper Spring Fishing Trip
Sunday, June 23, 2024, 1300-1700
Free to Chapter 54 members (Thanks to K. Casey and son Evan)
Cape Cod
Annual Chapter Cookout
August 17, 2024, 1200 to 1500
Hanscom Air Force Base Campground
This will be a New England style lobster bake (with alternate
menu for non-seaford lovers) and will be held at the Hanscom
AFB Family area.
Fishing With Warriors
Costa Rica
Chapter 54 has a slot for the
Fishing With Warriors trip to Costa Rica. All expenses,
including air fare, hotel, food, boat rental, etc. for the
five-day trip are paid
for by the Fishing With Warriors organization. If you would
like to be consider for this event send an email to the Chapter
54 president by April.
SFA Annual Convention
October 19 - 24, 2024
This 5 night cruise will take place on a ship departing from
Tampa and touring some island destinations - Nassau and Bimini.
Return to Devens Two (R2D2)
October 16-20, 2024
Green Berets in the New England area and beyond will converge
on the old Fort Devens compound for a gathering that will last
a few days. Members of SFA Chapters 48, 56, and 72 as well as
former members of 10th and 11th Special Forces Groups will be
in attendence.
Executive Committee Meeting
October 5, 2024
Morrisette VFW Post 81-83
Liberty Street, Quincy, MA 02169
All members are welcome, coffee and doughnuts at the meeting,
pizza/soda after meeting.
Veteran's Day Observance.
November 11, 2024, 9:45 am
The Chapter will
convene at the LTC Buckley Monument in Stoneham, Ma. in honor of
Chapter namesake Col. William Buckley and all deceased members
of the Regiment. Uniform will be Class A's or the Chapter 54 3-season
jacket and beret with flash of your choice. The meeting will conclude with coffee at a nearby location.
Christmas Party
Chapter's annual
Christmas Party was held on Saturday, December 14th at
the Longfellow's Wayside Inn at 72 Wayside Inn Road, Sudbury,
MA 01776. The event began at noon. There was no cost to Chapter members.